Traffic Education Essay

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Essay on Traffic Education
Traffic Education

Importance of education in every field is the base of development in any society. 
Traffic education means having information about using traffic. 
Everyone who is using the road by any mean is known as traffic. 
By traffic education we can use our roads safely. 
It means if someone doesn’t know the rules, he will not only hurt himself but also cause the damage to other’s property and lives.

Traffic education gives awareness about the different rules and understanding of sign boards hanging around the road sides. 
So, everyone should know about them i.e. how to cross the road, what is the purpose of signals, speed limits and how to overtake any vehicle, etc.  
So, we should create awareness among the people about getting traffic education. 
It can save their property and even lives.

It must me part of books and their should be courses from initial classes about traffic education, So every student know rules and regulations from childhood about how to move in society. How to cross roads, where to walk, what these traffic signs means, etc.

It will be very helpful if we add some chapters in books or add another course in schools about traffic education.
Its already added in books but its not upto the mark.
We just have only 1 chapter which is not enough.
Government should emphasize on it and properly give education about it. 

Traffic department should take necessary actions to encourage this by arranging different campaigns through different means of communication like print media, electronic media, etc.

It is the responsibility of every citizen to learn and obey the traffic education. It is the most important element of society to keep the environment safe and healthy.


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